In a big surprise Congress voted down another $148B for supplemental funding in Iraq. They added a .47% tax on people who make more than 500,000 to pay for Veteran Benefits. People who make 500000 or more should pay 1% toward a school fund that would be divvied up like the transportation money from the gas tax to states. Another 1 cent should be added to the gas tax for schools. This way schools will not be bankrupted by our efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan and adventures in other parts of the world like Peru, Ecuador, etc.
We have given layoff notices to our music and science teachers this year in the Belmont Redwood Shores School district. In the last 25 years we have gone from acres of bicycle parking and school buses as the only transportation modes (along with walking) to where 75% of students are now driven the AT MOST less than 1.3 short miles to school. A successful campaign for low oil prices by armed theft has resulted in an obesity and heart disease epidemic nationwide, resulting in the most medicated generation ever, who need only walk to get better!
Thanks to Anna Eshoo etc. for voting against more funding for the president's failed war strategy in Iraq. Hopefully they will continue to vote against any new funding especially for this war, justified on false premises, to transfer $2T to Exxon etc over the last six years, while transforming a vibrant third world economy into a stone age box cutter paradise under the holy cross of Abu Grahib.
Interestingly there were no pedestrian fatalities in Iraq prior to its americanization. That's because speed and traffic violations resulted in an automatic impound of vehicles. This was the first law scraped by Paul Bremmer with the resultant spike in pedestrian fatalities AND the creation of veterans requiring treatment from exploding cars. Amazing- Congress sees the light.
Friday, May 16, 2008
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