Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ECR speed, priority, and public safety

ECR- El Camino Real is this biggest arterial that runs north south through San Mateo County. It has most of the pedestrian, bike, and auto collisions. The state Office of Traffic Safety says speed is the major problem in the corridor. ECR is posted at 35 mph. If you drive 35 the lights are not quite synced- so you tend to get caught by almost all the lights. However is you speed about 20% over the limit you tend to make most of the lights. The incentive is to speed. Sharing a public right of way so that its safe, healthy, accessible, and pleasant is just not convenient or efficient- at least how our economy and the life style we have come to accept defines these terms. Because for peds and bikes the opposite is the case- all the treatments to accommodate them with the speeding cars such as count down timers and lit crosswalks along with the near 40 mph synced corridor lights result in danger, inconvenience, and inefficiency. These are the problems identified by Brian Appleyard in getting to livable streets.