Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Create one slow street in a city

Cities need to take one street and make it usable at 15 mph. That means a bike freeway. Make it comfortable. Take away stop signs. Put in diverters so that automobiles don't have a direct speedway but can still use the street to get to and from home. Obviously an arterial with bus traffic won't qualify.

Bicyclists complain about the lack of space on the road. And about the need to defend that space from cars. And the scare caused by speeding traffic. And the fumes they breathe and the difficult choices at intersections and the problems with large vehicles like buses slowing down to stop.

Pedestrians have essentially the same issues including the unpleasantness of having it to walk on the sidewalk while traffic zooms by only feet away.

Even drivers have these problems preferring to enter their parked cars when blocked off from traffic by a bike lane.

A slow street would make for a pleasant neighborhood street.

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