Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bikes are sustainable and green for the planet.

Saving the planet from global warming is as simple as building up a fat savings account.

Fossil fuel usage is the cause of global warming. Producing goods for consumptions is killing the planet. Not using fossil fuels saves the planet. Lets look at the numbers

1- 40% of California green house gases come from transportation. Use transit. The $5500/- per year cost of owning a car and operating a car less the cost of bus passes for four of $1440 results in a net savings of $4060/- per year. The cost of not having a garage reduces housing cost from 15% to 30% which means a one time savings of at least $60,000/- Or like one percent of all American commuters get a bike ($20/- at Goodwill) and with a $60/- tool kit become truly independent, fit and healthy and save the $4060/-

Carbon free walking and biking with some transit are the only transport modes that can save the planet. The car is only trying to take over the planet and consume our food. A consumerist attitude would look to guide you into buying a hybrid. Don't fall for smothering the planet in less GHGs, which are still GHG. Dump the car off to a parts recycler instead. If transit is your goal use your savings from not driving to move to be on transit closer to work. Staying in the suburbs away from work only locks you into a mortgage and a lousy job.

2- 25% of GHG are produced in homes from using electricity and natural gas for cooling and heating. Instead extend your eves with corrugated tin for natural shading in the summer and open your windows. Wear a ski hat and warm clothes in the winter. Put your average $2500 PGE savings in the bank. You can reduce your $300/- per year gas cooking by building a solar oven from scrap but that's the next step. Washing dishes by hand and using the dish water for plants can save an additional $240 per year. Replacing a lawn with a vegetable patch can save an additional $1200/- per year. Remove bulbs from sockets so that they can't be left on or consume power. Unplug appliances. Junk your TV and take a hike. Net savings $600/- a year.

Consumerism would have you believe that expensive energy star appliances are the only way to a sustainable life! Its a sustainable life if you want to suck up to the rich and famous, a martha steward life. Don't buy it, sustain your bank account. Use some of your savings for better insulation at a later date. Be careful less can buy more here too.

3- 25% of GHG come from industry using fossil fuels and degrading human rights to make the throw away trinkets that junk up our homes. Put the money in the bank. If you must have junk first look at your local to see if you can get it for free. Then check your local goodwill or equivalent store. Then see if you can make it or make do without it. Then borrow from a neighbor. But don't choke the planet for your the first option.

Consumerists would have you believe a house stocked with the latest power consuming gadgets is necessary for the economy. Its necessary to justify the war and some bank accounts and has nothing to do with the economy you want for a healthy planet.

4. With your savings pay off your loan, then quit your job or work less hours so you can spend more time with friends and neighbors. A healthy planet should be fun. Go to the library. Attend your water board meetings and make sure your tap water is safe to drink.

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