Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pollution related deaths exceed traffic fatalities

Air Pollution Fatalities Now Exceed Traffic Fatalities. U.S. air pollution deaths are equal to deaths from breast cancer resulting in a need to spend more on health insurance to treat air pollution-related ailments and Causes of Death.

A study by the University of Birmingham has shown a strong correlation between pneumonia related deaths and air pollution from motor vehicles. This powerpoint addresses the Global Burden of Disease Due to Urban Air Pollution and Fraction of Deaths Attributable to Outdoor Urban Air Pollution by Region.
Pollution is known to Cut Life Expectancy and Threatens Child Development In Europe
despite reductions in some air pollution and improvements in wastewater treatment. This causes reduced life years mostly from transportation with related data in the US from the Sacramento area. Living within 500' of a major road causes permanent lung damage in children.

Indoor air pollution within houses and cars is also a problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the biggest source of water pollution is Industries. we should consider recycling of Industrial water. There are many Industrial waste water treatment consultant including JNB who are providing great services. This is our responsibility to save water resources for our future generations.